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Passenger Information


The required information for all passengers is the next:

  • Name.
  • Surname.
  • Birthdate.
  • Title or Gender: you can send both, but we recommend use only Title since we can infer gender from it.
  • Document: with the id, document type (passport PP, or national identity NI) and the expiration date (format aaaa-mm-dd).
  • Passenger reference.
  • Passenger type.

An example of this can be like:

   "data": {
       "birthdate": "2002-06-28",
       "name": "Anesu",
       "surname": "Mccord",
       "title": "MS"
   "document": {
       "documentID": "115233245A",
       "documentType": "PP",
       "expirationDate": "2025-04-09"
   "passengerType": "ADT",
   "travelerReference": "ADT0"

In addition to the personal information (mandatory for all passengers), we need to add the contact information only to the first adult in the request. The fields for the contact information are:

  • Address: with the city, the country code, postal code and street.
  • Email
  • Phone: with country code and number

Here you have an example of these nodes:

   "data": {
       "email": "",
       "phone": "+34666123123",

Another optional field you can use is the related to the Frequent Flyer Number. The fields needs to use this functionality are:

  • Account number
  • Airline ID
  • An example of this node could be like:
   "data": {
       "fqtvInfo": {
           "account": {
               "number": "0000000"
           "airlineID": "XX"

An example of passengers node (for 2ADT + 1CHD + 1INF) could be like:

   "passengers": [
           "data": {
               "address": {
                   "cityName": "Saint-Petersburg",
                   "countryCode": "RU",
                   "postalCode": "197373",
                   "street": "Test"
               "birthdate": "2002-08-21",
               "email": "",
               "fqtvInfo": {
                   "account": {
                       "number": "99999"
                   "airlineID": "XX"
               "name": "Diamond",
               "phone": "+34666123123",
               "surname": "Sellon",
               "title": "MSTR"
           "document": {
               "documentID": "115233245A",
               "documentType": "PP",
               "expirationDate": "2024-06-23"
           "passengerType": "ADT",
           "travelerReference": "ADT0"
           "data": {
               "birthdate": "2002-04-27",
               "name": "Alondra",
               "surname": "Hesch",
               "title": "MS"
           "document": {
               "documentID": "115233246A",
               "documentType": "PP",
               "expirationDate": "2026-10-20"
           "passengerType": "ADT",
           "travelerReference": "ADT1"
           "data": {
               "birthdate": "2012-02-21",
               "name": "Payton",
               "surname": "Cast",
               "title": "MRS"
           "document": {
               "documentID": "115233266A",
               "documentType": "PP",
               "expirationDate": "2025-01-04"
           "passengerType": "CHD",
           "travelerReference": "CHD0"
           "data": {
               "birthdate": "2021-04-25",
               "name": "Naomi",
               "surname": "Soulis",
               "title": "MR"
           "document": {
               "documentID": "113233266A",
               "documentType": "PP",
               "expirationDate": "2026-03-11"
           "passengerType": "INF",
           "travelerReference": "INF0"

Attach infants to specific adults

There is a new functionality implemented by some airlines (AFKLM for now) that allows to choose which infant goes with an adult. This information must be specified in OrderCreate request with infantReference tag:

   "data": {
   "address": {
       "cityName": "Parla Gabrielton",
       "countryCode": "ES",
       "postalCode": "44911",
       "street": "Espinal Rua"
   "birthdate": "1944-09-17",
   "email": "",
   "gender": "Female",
   "name": "Colby",
   "phone": "+34928541338",
   "surname": "Beer",
   "title": "MS"
   "document": {
   "citizenshipCountryCode": "AM",
   "documentID": "272689688A",
   "documentType": "PP",
   "expirationDate": "2024-02-28",
   "issuingCountryCode": "CH",
   "residenceCountryCode": "BH"
   "infantReference": "PAX5",
   "passengerType": "ADT",
   "travelerReference": "PAX2"

If the order has been created successfully, you should expect the same information in response:

   "data": {
   "address": {
       "cityName": "",
       "countryCode": "",
       "postalCode": "",
       "street": ""
   "birthdate": "1944-09-17",
   "email": "",
   "gender": "Female",
   "name": "Colby",
   "phone": "34920964742",
   "surname": "Beer",
   "title": "MS"
   "document": {
   "citizenshipCountryCode": "AM",
   "documentID": "272689688A",
   "documentType": "PP",
   "expirationDate": "2024-02-28",
   "fiscalName": "",
   "issuingCountryCode": "CH",
   "residenceCountryCode": "BH"
   "infantReference": "PAX5",
   "passengerType": "ADT",
   "travelerReference": "PAX2"
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