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Payment Methods


Currently, there are three payment methods allowed by our API:

  • On hold
  • Cash
  • Credit Card

On hold

On hold, in reality, is not a payment method. It is our way to create orders without payment. That is, book a flight and pay later.
There are airlines who doesn’t allow it; and others like AirFrance (AF) or Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), only allow payment once the order is on hold. Check Airlines/Providers table for more information.


Cash payment is the same as BSP. This payment method doesn’t require any configuration to use it. Not all providers allow it. Check Airlines/Providers table for more information.

Credit Card

Payment method to use custom credit card data in order to do a payment. Not all providers allow it. Check Airlines/Providers table for more information.

In order to successfully test credit card payment with every provider which allows it, you should follow the following table that contains all our testing cards:

Airline Code Credit Card Number Exp. Date CVC Name, Surname and Title Phone number Email Country City Postal Code State Street
BA Master Card 5199992312641465 05/32 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
IB Visa 4012999999999999 11/39 407 Dinel Garcia Garcia, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Leganitos 21
AF/KL Visa 4000020000000000 03/30 737 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
VY Visa 4444333322221111 03/30 737 Manuel Martinez, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Leganitos 21
BT Visa 4005550000000001 01/39 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
FR Visa 4910020011111118 10/28 747 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
U2 Visa 4444333322221111 03/30 737 JOHN DOE, MR +447400123456 United Kingdom LON 123 28 Ibiza 21
LA Visa 4918019160034602 12/34 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
LH Master Card 5577810000000004 01/39 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
A3/OA Master Card 5577810000000004 01/39 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
AA Visa 5577810000000004 01/39 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
UA Visa 4508750015741019 01/39 000 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Germany Berlin 14167 BE Goerzallee 156
CM Visa 4005550000000001 01/39 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
SQ Visa 4012999999999999 10/23 123 Manuel Martinez, MR +34646666621 Germany BER 10115 Berlin Leganitos 21
EY Visa, UATP 4005550000000001, 135413000003080 01/39, 06/24 123, 927 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
TPS Visa 4111111111111111 01/39 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 Spain MAD 28900 28 Ibiza 21
HR Visa 4444333322221111 10/39 123 JOHN DOE, MR +34646666621 United States Washington 20100 DC TEST
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