Payment Methods
Currently, there are three payment methods allowed by our API:
- On hold
- Cash
- Credit Card
On hold
On hold, in reality, is not a payment method. It is our way to create orders without payment. That is, book a flight and pay later.
There are airlines who doesn’t allow it; and others like AirFrance (AF) or Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), only allow payment once the order is on hold. Check Airlines/Providers table for more information.
Cash payment is the same as BSP. This payment method doesn’t require any configuration to use it. Not all providers allow it. Check Airlines/Providers table for more information.
Credit Card
Payment method to use custom credit card data in order to do a payment. Not all providers allow it. Check Airlines/Providers table for more information.
In order to successfully test credit card payment with every provider which allows it, you should follow the following table that contains all our testing cards:
Airline Code | Credit Card | Number | Exp. Date | CVC | Name, Surname and Title | Phone number | Country | City | Postal Code | State | Street | |
BA | Master Card | 5199992312641465 | 05/32 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
IB | Visa | 4012999999999999 | 11/39 | 407 | Dinel Garcia Garcia, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Leganitos 21 |
AF/KL | Visa | 4000020000000000 | 03/30 | 737 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
VY | Visa | 4444333322221111 | 03/30 | 737 | Manuel Martinez, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Leganitos 21 |
BT | Visa | 4005550000000001 | 01/39 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
FR | Visa | 4910020011111118 | 10/28 | 747 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
U2 | Visa | 4444333322221111 | 03/30 | 737 | JOHN DOE, MR | +447400123456 | | United Kingdom | LON | 123 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
LA | Visa | 4918019160034602 | 12/34 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
LH | Master Card | 5577810000000004 | 01/39 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
A3/OA | Master Card | 5577810000000004 | 01/39 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
AA | Master Card | 5577810000000004 | 01/39 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
UA | Visa | 4508750015741019 | 01/39 | 000 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Germany | Berlin | 14167 | BE | Goerzallee 156 |
CM | Visa | 4005550000000001 | 01/39 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
SQ | Visa | 4012999999999999 | 10/23 | 123 | Manuel Martinez, MR | +34646666621 | | Germany | BER | 10115 | Berlin | Leganitos 21 |
EY | Visa, UATP | 4005550000000001, 135413000003080 | 01/39, 06/24 | 123, 927 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
TPS | Visa | 4111111111111111 | 01/39 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | Spain | MAD | 28900 | 28 | Ibiza 21 |
HR | Visa | 4444333322221111 | 10/39 | 123 | JOHN DOE, MR | +34646666621 | | United States | Washington | 20100 | DC | TEST |